Spring Doodles for Your Bullet Journal

Spring-themed doodles to welcome the new season!

Happy almost spring! My favorite season! I can’t wait—sunshine and flowers and creme eggs are on the way. Fun fact: I hate winter. There’s snow on the ground outside my house, so I decided to create a spring doodles page to get hyped for spring, which is (hopefully) just around the corner.

This watering can is probably one of my favorites of all the doodles. I also managed to sneak in a birthday cupcake above the rabbit since my birthday is later this month!


Plants are some of my favorite things to draw. These branches were really easy to make too! I just drew straight lines and added teardrop shapes for leaves, spacing them out differently for the different branches.


I can’t wait until I’ll be able to wear spring dresses! I couldn’t resist adding another bunny too. 😉

Spring-themed doodles to welcome the new season!

I rather like how this rose ended up looking. Roses can be difficult, but they weren’t so hard for me after I looked at a few tutorials. Liz @bonjournal_ on Instagram has a really good one here. If you’re looking for something simpler, you should try this one from Apsi @therevisionguide.

Spring-themed doodles to welcome the new season!

Last but not least, here are some hanging plants. Like I said, I love drawing plants, and it’s super fun to play around with different plants and designs on the pots.

(If you’re wondering why the paper and pencil are down at the bottom—spring is full of warmth and baby animals, etc., but it’s also finals season. Dun dun dun…)

Spring-themed doodles to welcome the new season!

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What’s your favorite season? Do you have to take (ugh) finals too in a few months? What do you love most about spring? Let’s chat in the comments!


♥ Annie

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